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Make a connection!

Please feel welcome to join in any opportunity

you see that feels comfortable to you!

Children's Ministry

  • Children on Sunday Mornings

    Children of all ages are welcome in worship at all times! We are always happy to have young people in worship to learn the songs, pray with us, and participate in their own way.

  • Nursery Availability

    We do have Nursery Care for infants through 5 years old from 8:30am until 11:30am. Sheryl, Alana, Lynn, Emily, and Brianna cherished members of our staff, take this time to play, tell stories, and connect your children with the Christian story. 

  • Sunday School: K-2nd Graders

    Our Sunday School  is available during the school year in the Education Wing. Children are checked in after worship until 11:15am.

  • Quest: 3rd - 5th Graders

    For children grades 3 - 5 after worship until 11:15 AM in the Education Wing. The children are learning how to navigate the Bible and more about the stories it contains.

Youth Ministry

  • Middle School Youth Group

    September through May Grades 6-8 meet from 5:45pm until 6:45pm on Wednesdays. 

  • GAP Time

    6:45 - 7:15pm time to gather for fellowship, homework and dinner between middle school and high school youth groups and other adult groups.  All are welcome!

  • High School Youth Group

    September through May Youth Group for Grades 9-12 meets on Wednesday evenings from 7:15-8:30pm.

  • Worship Participation

    Youth are encouraged to participate in worship in the pew or by helping serve roles during  worship!

Adult Ministry

Weekly Groups

  • Oasis

    Meets Wednesdays at 9:30am - meets via Zoom. 

  • Bible 365

    Meets via Zoom to discuss the week’s readings. It The group is participating in the Dakotas-MN Area study of Luke-Acts for 2025. Contact the church office for the Zoom link and materials.

Monthly Groups

  • Conversations on Grief

    This informal discussion group meets in the library the second Sunday each month after worship to discuss grief in its many forms and stages.

  • United Women in Faith

    Three groups meet monthly - September through May.  More information can be found HERE.

  • Men's Group

    Second Monday of each month at 6pm in fellowship hall.

Other Groups

  • Caregivers Support Group

    Join us for a twice-monthly virtual support group to reduce isolation, normalize hardships & affirm those of us who care for elderly, ill, or loved ones with extra needs. Our group is facilitated by experienced caregivers and will meet via Zoom the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of the month from 7:00-8:30pm.  New participants must pre-register HERE.

  • Card Team

    The Card Team creates hand-made cards for sale at church of Sunday mornings before and after services on a quarterly basis. Proceeds are donated back to FUMC projects. Contact the church office to get involved!

  • Dinner Groups

    Do you hunger for food and fellowship? Dinner groups are forming!  Come get connected with others and bring a dish to share. Let Pastor Leah know you are interested in joining at group!

  • Prayer Shawls

    We invite other knitters or crocheters to join us! The crafters meet the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays, September to May, from 5:00-6:30pm in the church library or via Zoom.

Musical Groups

  • Sanctuary Choir

    Participates in the 9:30 a.m. Sunday worship service singing in a variety of styles including classical, jazz, spirituals, and contemporary. Rehearsals are Wednesdays September through May from 7:30-9:00 p.m. Connect with Aaron!

  • BELLissimo (bell choir)

    Plays for the 9:30 a.m. Sunday worship service. Rehearsals are Wednesdays September through May from 6:00-7:15 p.m. Although the bell choir is open to adults without audition it is helpful to have some music experience. Connect with Alan!

  • Instrumentalists

    There is no formal ensemble at this time, but we are able to incorporate brass, woodwinds, percussion and string players throughout the year in worship as soloists, or as part of a small ensemble.  Connect with Aaron!

Serving Ministry

FIRST Opportunities

There are many opportunities for service with our church community.

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Local Opportunities

First UMC has a long history of serving our local community.

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World Opportunities

Our congregation supports ministry around the world.

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