Simple & Powerful



Do you have a passion for welcoming people or preparing food and beverage for people?  This may be the area for you!

Worship Assistants

It takes MANY hands to have worship go smoothly each week!  Would you like to be a part of that?

Prayer Chain

Each week there is a small group that commits to offering prayers for those who would like to keep their requests private. Can you keep a secret? This may work for you!

Plant & Prairie Care Days

Once a month as weather permits a group of people come together to keep our grounds in order.  Do you aspire to perspire? This could be your group.

Children's Ministry

Our littlest members need a group of people to support them as they learn and play!  Do you like kids? This is a joyful group to be a part of.

Youth Ministry

Being a teen in the world today gets pretty heavy and confusing!  Are you a good listener and willing to show up for our ever-changing group of young people?  Email Amanda


3rd Saturday Community Meal

The 3rd Saturday each month a team cooks and serves a FREE meal in fellowship hall and in to-go options.

Food Shelf

Each month we collect food for the local food shelf.

St. Cloud PRIDE

In September each year a team helps host the PRIDE & Peace Walk and has a booth at PRIDE in the Park.

Habitat for Humanity

Once a year a FUMC team assists on a build day at one of Central Minnesota Habitat for Humanity's home projects.

Homeless Helping Homeless

We have a connection to Homeless Helping Homeless and gather funds and other resources needed.

Anna Marie's Alliance

Each year we partner with Anna Marie's Alliance to provide a fun and fabulous No Scare Halloween Fair in October.



The United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) is the aid organization of the United Methodist Church that responds to tragedies and ongoing crisis. They are the first ones handing out flood buckets and health kits when a flood or hurricane or tsunami hits, and they are there helping people rebuild their lives long after other aid organizations have gone home. As a church we give financially to UMCOR and we also volunteer so that we can literally reach out our hands to help others.

Missionary Partner

Rev. D. Yang will be our new missionary to support.  Rev. Yang is an ordained elder in the Minnesota United Methodist Conference is a missionary in SE Asia, fulfilling a longing to “serve God’s people overseas – to witness, make disciples of Jesus, recruit and train more people to serve God through our United Methodist Church.” He came to the U.S. in 1967 with a grandfather from Laos (father was missing in action) and eventually became a part of the Hmong United Methodist Community in Minnesota. 

Missions Team

Missions takes up a Communion Offering each month that goes to a local, national, or international ministry that we support.

Let us know what has your interest!

And we’ll get right back to you.

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