Worship at First UMC

Sundays at 9:30am

We will be live-streaming what happens in the Sanctuary at 9:30am.  What that means, is that for those of you who come to the church by 9:30am will have a worship service led on-site by Pastor Leah, Pastor Susie and others. We will pray together, listen to the Spirit together, sing together, and laugh together. Sunday School will be offered as it has been, and children are welcome either in Sunday School or in worship. The nursery is available too.

We know that looking for a church can be intimidating,

and we want to make it as easy as possible for you to have a great experience.

We hope the following information will be helpful to you! 

Accessibility: Portable amplification/listening devices are available in the lefthand (southeast) back corner of the Sanctuary at the Sound Booth. The entire building is on one level, and all areas are accessible. If you have accessibility needs, we want to make sure you feel welcome and safe! Please contact fumc@fumcscr.org and one of our Staff Members will work with you.

Communion: The United Methodist Church practices open communion. That is to say, we place no barrier between you and Christ’s table. All who are seeking the grace of Christ are welcome. If you are unable to come forward to receive the elements, please inform an usher. Home visitation Communion is available. 

Post-Worship Fellowship: After each worship service there is coffee, lemonade, and homemade treats served in the Fellowship Hall (next to the Sanctuary) for everyone to enjoy. 

Children on Sunday Mornings: Children of all ages are welcome in worship at all times! We are always happy to have young people in worship to learn the songs, pray with us, and participate in their own way. We also know, however, that sometimes it’s nice to learn apart for awhile. So we have the following options for all different ages of kids: 

Nursery Availability:  We do have an Early Childhood Education Room (Nursery Care) for infants through 5 years old.  Our staff take this time to play, tell stories, and connect your children with the Christian story. 

Kindergarten through 5th Graders:  Our Sunday School and Quest programs are available during the school year in the Education Wing. Children are checked in after worship and participate in a variety of activities until 11:15am.

Sunday mornings at First UMC combine traditional elements of ritual and order with a warm spirit, vital prayer, and theologically progressive preaching. This service incorporates music, the arts, prayer, and Scripture into a service with life-giving energy.  The Chancel Choir and occasionally the Bell Choir offer their gifts to this service in leading parts of the music, and often the music accompaniment ranges from pipe organ, trumpet, flute, harp, and grand piano, to wooden flute, bells, and guitar. Holy Communion will be celebrated on the first Sunday each month.*

*In the United Methodist Church, Holy Communion is served at an open table. This means that everyone who wants to come and receive communion is welcome to do so. You do not have to be a member of the church or a United Methodist. All are welcome to receive God's grace through the bread and juice.

Coming up in worship

Sundays at 9:30am:

February 2nd 

Jesus is…Teacher with Rev. Leah Rosso

Luke 4: 14-30

February 9th

Jesus is…Lord with Amanda Hodge

Psalm 138; Luke 5: 1-11

February 16th

Jesus is…Presence with Rev. Susie Putzke

Luke 6: 17-26

February 23rd

Jesus is…Way with Rev. Leah Rosso

Luke 6: 27-38

Labyrinth Worship 

Wednesday, February 12 at 11am

Latest online worship:

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